0416336182 - Adelaide Escorts: SEXUAL SHOW - we provide an intimate show for your entertainment - do you like to watch.:
THIS IS NOT A 3-SOME / WE PROVIDE A SEXUAL SHOW FOR - the mature older couple, older male, older female and individual with disability.Hi, we are an older HONEST couple, Glenys 59 and Peter 63 we have average body shapes (we are not sexy models).We are respectful of others and their opinions, considerate and caring who would like to provide you a visual intimate show (respecting all boundaries what would you like to see/watch).We like to arrive and have a chat and a coffee before moving on to other activities.Always remember NO means NO, we will stop if we feel uncomfortable.We are both fully vaccinated against COVID and the Flue.WE DO NOT HOST - WE COME TO YOU AT YOUR HOME OR HOTEL ROOM.All enquiries are treated confidentially - (We charge $200 all inclusive - we do not charge by the hour). For further information about our service, please feel free to text with your first name and request - we are flexible and do our best to satisfy your needs - 0/ four/ one/ 6/ three/ 3/ six/ 1/ eight/ two.
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