0449753419 - Melbourne Escorts: Nuru Massage
Hi, Gentleman:I'm Amanda!Allow me to solemnly state: I use the Australian famous brand of pure natural plant essential oil with massage oil! 100% Pure Natural! Pure naturalnEssential oil collocation can produce different effects! If you're allergic to pollen or some kind of plant! Please be sure to let me know that i will provide you with other body oil or moisturizer! There have been friends with allergic symptoms!it takes 7-10 days to heal, what you need is service and i'm giving a major ! Nuru massage are the body -to body massage where along with hands, the entire body of the assaeuse is used to massage the body of the recipient, It's one of the most popular forms of massage techniques in the world .The are meant to rejuvenate, refresh, stimulate and statisfy the whole mind and bosy of any one those who are looking forward to release all the stress.Hot Stone: Therapy are the use of natural basalt , the absorption of Oriental health care kidney therapy, to fragrant pure plant essential oil auxiliary. Through the deepest massage,the entire meridian is active, promoting the secretion of your male hormones and restoring.I also provide a full range of services, It's in my apartment , You're going to be my focus. I can fell you in my body , I'm all yours and it's going to make me crazy!PLEASE TEXT ME OF YOUR NEEDS AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT.AVOID WAITING TIME AND I NEED TO REST!FULL SERVICE INCLUDING MASSAGE:20min/$10030min/$15045min/$20060min/$250HOT STONE & NURU THERAPY30min/$12045min/$17060min/$20090min/$300
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