0478732603 - Perth Western Australia Escorts: Excellent Vietnamese Slut Back Speak English and Vietnam
Hello Gentleman, Welcome to come enjoy with me. My name is Penny 155CM42KGBCUP a naughty girl, very good service and fantastic experience sweet girl who come from Vietnam, Speak fluent EnglishVietnamese. Real Boobs. I am not only, but also have professional body rub skill and professional personality to satisfy you. I love to please, I love to listen, I enjoy whatever makes you happy. My style from day one has always been to follow my clients lead. I am quite the actress and submit to any request and I genuinely LOVE what I do so I love every challenge, every request, every role play. I'm genuinely open to every sexual fantasy. I am passionate naturally so our time together will be unrushed and relaxed. I'm a very soft natured gentle girl naturally so passionate comes very easy for me. Come in and talk to me to discuss your body rub needs as I want my clients to feel happy and refreshed at the end !!! Price come to Penny30min $20045min $25060min $300 Message me Now. PENNY Please tell NAME. Don't Miss out.!!!Looking forward to serve you guys.
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